
Final Record: 11-11
9th Place District 23 ( 1 Medal Winner )
CJ Group State Sectional Qualifier
4th Place Holmdel Christmas Tournament ( 1 Champ / 6 Total Top 3 )
3rd Place Matawan Icebreaker ( 2 Champs / 6 Total Top 3 )

Team Wins Leader: (Sr) Jed Fister - 29

District 23 Medal Winner
(Sr) Jed Fister - 3rd Place (130)

2/25: Jed Fister finishes in 3rd Place at District 23 Tournament to advance to Regions!

2/15: Shore 36 - Marlboro 36
130: Fister (S) d. Horner 5-0 / 135: Stoffer (M) p. DeRosa 0:35 / 140: Springman (S) d. Lindenhauer 9-3 / 145: D'Arcangelo (S) p. Ruskin 3:18 / 152: Callery (S) d. Weiner 15-12 / 160: Polizois (S) p. Cohen 1:19 / 171: Walden (S) by forfeit / 189: Parisi (M) p. Freudenberg 2:48 / 215: Clarizio (M) by forfeit / 275: Tiscia (M) p. Conte 0:51 / 103: Frankel (M) p. Hayet 0:33 / 112: Rutty (M) p. Clayton 0:50 / 119: Riccardi (S) d. Sapphirstein 9-5 / 125: Goldberg (S) p. Lindenhauer 1:53

2/14: CJG1 QuarterFinal: Keansburg 41 - Shore 28
152: Neckles (K) d. Callery 8-6 / 160: Polizois (S) d. Treadwell 6-4 / 171: A Blozen (K) p. Walters 2:13 / 189: Walden (S) md. Kagabines 17-1 / 215: Yeneic (K) by forfeit / 275: Freudenberg (S) d. Roser 4-1 / 103: Chizmadia (K) p. Hayet 3:14 / 112: Gogan (K) p. Clayotn 2:56 / 119: Accardi (S) by forfeit / 125: Gallen (S) p. Boyle 3:42 / 130: B Blozen (K) d. DeRosa 9-5 / 135: Pecyna (K) tf. Goldberg 23-7 / 140: Fister (S) p. Bazea 2:59 / 145: Nelan (K) p. D'Arcangelo 1:09

2/11: Long Branch 45 - Shore 21
103: Oliveria (L) p. Hayet 2:24 / 112: Menkin (L) p. Clayton 1:05 / 119: Accardi (S) p. Viedma 0:49 / 125: Goldberg (S) p. Stathum 1:06 / 130: Fister (S) d. Robertson 5-4 / 135: balina (L) d. Derosa 5-1 / 140: Kirsch (L) p. Vieria 0:37 / 145: Sims (L) p. D'Arcangelo 1:04 / 152: Chapparo (L) d. Callery 9-3 / 160: Polizois (S) d. Brown 4-3 / 171: Coccuerello (L) d. Walden 7-2 / 189: Freudenberg (S) d. Feliciano 7-2 / 215: Jasio (L) by forfeit / 275: Williams (L) p. Conte 0:20

2/8: Monmouth 39 - Shore 26
145: D'Arcangelo (S) p. Flynn 2:47 / 152: O'Donnell (M) d. Lynch 10-4 / 160: Callery (S) md. Dasher 13-2 / 171: Polizois (S) p. Ware 5:30 / 189: Walden (S) p. Sabian 1:02 / 215: Freudenberg (S) md. Cmpbell 14-0 / 275: Schweighardt (M) p. Conte 0:25 / 103: Teel (M) p. Hayet 0:43 / 112: Buck (M) p. Clayton 0:44 / 119: Ballentine (M) d. Riccardi 7-5 / 125: Chirstensen (M) d. Gallo 7-1 / 130: Smith (M) d. DeRosa 8-3 / 135: Eggie (M) d. Fister 8-1 / 140: Bongarzone (M) p. Springman 3:21

2/4: Shore 41 - Pinelands 30
112: Thorn (P) p. Clayton 4:57 / 119: Riccardi (S) d. Lintner 5-2 / 125: Goldberg (S) p. Berberena 3:46 / 130: Fister (S) p. Semprevivo 2:31 / 135: Clair (P) d. DeRosa 8-4 / 140: D'Arcangelo (S) by forfeit / 145: Springman (S) md. Hartman 16-3 / 152: Smith (P) p. Kohler 0:51 / 160: Brown (P) d. Callery 8-6 / 171: Polizois (S) md. Fehring 11-1 / 189: Jones (P) p. Walden 2:25 / 215: Freudenberg (S) p. Myers 3:34 / 275: Wolk (P) p. Contee 1:00 / 103: Benn (P) p. Hayet 1:06

2/1: Lacey 34 - Shore 33
119: Molzon (L) d. Riccardi 6-3 / 125: Goldberg (S) p. Bajada 4:36 / 130: Fister (S) p. Johnson 0:18 / 135: Caiola (L) md. DaRosa 19-6 / 140: Rupp (L) p. Springman 4:44 / 145:  D'Arcangleo (S) p. McVoy 3:04 / 152: Callery (S) by forfeit / 160: Roth (L) d. Polizois 2-1 / 171: Smith (L) d. Walters 9-5 / 189: Walden (S) d. T Giglio 10-4 / 215: Freudenberg (S) p. Oakes 2:35 / 275: R Giglio (L) p. Conte 0:40 / 103: Ebberupp (L) p. Hayet 2:40 / 112: Craft (L) d. Clayton 14-8

1/28: Shore 40 - Keyport 35
103: Hayet (S) by fofeit / 112: T Maldonado (K) p. Clayton 2:24 / 19: Riccardi (S) p. Cornell 1:18 / 125: Gallego (K) md. Goldberg 11-2 / 130: Fister (S) p. Pineda 5:06 / 135: Arrufat (K) p. DeRosa 2:31 / 140: Jensen (K) md. Springman 13-0 / 145: D'Arcangelo (S) md. Schmidt 11-2 / 152: Callery (S) p. Honeycutt 3:20 / 160: Polizois (S) p. Henning 3:58 / 171: Walden (S) p. C Maldonado 0:33 / 189: Vollmuth (K) d. Freudenberg 6-5 / 215: D Maldonado (K) by forfeit / 275: Dorsi (K) p. Conte 0:21

1/28: Shore 57 - Matawan 24
103: Hayet (S) by forfeit / 112: Antista (M) p. Clayton 0:57 / 119: Riccardi (S) p. Monticello 1:55 / 125: Goldberg (S) p. Anello 1:18 / 130: Fister (S) by forfeit / 135: DeRosa (S) p. Carnahan 2:53 / 140: Denardo (M) p. Springman 1:50 / 145: D'Arcangelo (S) by forfeit / 152: Callery (S) p. Clima 0:45 / 160: Polizois (S) p. Rivera 0:22 / 171: Lowe (M) p. Walters 3:04 / 189: Walden (S) p. Delisi 1:13 / 215: Freudenberg (S) d. Turner 5-3 / 275: Howley (M) p. Conte 0:58

1/28: Shore 52 - Neptune 22
140: Springman (S) d. Upton 9-2 / 145: D'Arcangelo (S) p. Gutzmore 2:34 / 152: Callery (S) p. Graham 0:27 / 160: Polizois (S) p. Robinson 1:15 / 171: Walden (S) p. Perry 1:15 / 189: Freudenberg (S) d. Roberson 12-6 / 215: Pyle (N) md. Cook 12-0 / 275: Whyte (N) p. Conte 0:51 / 103: bacon (N) p. Hayet 0:14 / 112: Clayton (S) by forfeit / 119: Brooks (N) p. Riccardi 2:47 / 125: Goldberg (S) p. Joyce 3:23 / 130: Fister (S) d. Reeves 15-11 / 135: DeRosa (S) p. Sylvester 1:17

1/25: Shore 42 - Colts Neck 33
130: Fister (S) md. B Somma 11-3 / 135: Vivino (C) p. Matut 4:44 / 140: D'Arcangelo (S) p. Katz 2:34 / 145: Panek (C) p. Springman 2:12 / 152: Manney (C) d. Callery 13-6 / 160: Polozois (S) d. Parisi 9-2 / 171: Walden (S) p. Burdge 1:44 / 189: S Somma (C) p. Walters 3:44 / 215: Freudenberg (S) md. Meyer 19-6 / 275: Conte (S) p. Rener 1:59 / 103: Vivolo (C) p. Hayet 1:55 / 112: Brown (C) p. Clayton 0:54 / 119: Riccardi (S) p. Stoia 4:54 / 125: Goldberg (S) p. Lane 1:09

1/21: Shore 71 - Holmdel 10

1/18: Shore 68 - Rumson 11
119: Riccardi (S) p. Post 1:02 / 125: Goldberg (S) by forfeit / 130: Fister (S) p. Sussman 0:56 / 135: Matut (S) p. Eyerkuss 0:58 / 140: Clark (R) tf. Springman 24-5 / 145: D'Arcangelo (S) md. Venti 17-8 / 152: Callery (S) tf. Kolursick 18-3 / 160: Polizios (S) p. Rumph 1:17 / 171: Walden (S) p. Robinson 1:40 / 189: Fraudenberg (S) Decaino 0:37 / 215: Chiarella (S) by forfeit / 275: Conte (S) p. Johnson 0:36 / 103: Sparshah (R) p. Hayit 5:14 / 112: Clayton (S) p. Reynolds 3:59

1/14: Manasquan 45 - Shore 32
189: Fraudenberg (S) p. Mielke 2:24 / 215: Homan (M) by forfeit / 275: Kubik (M) p. Conte 3:27 / 103: Farese (M) by forfeit / 112: Harley (M) by forfeit / 119: Riccardi (S) tf. B Grieb 18-1 / 125: Goldberg (S) p. P Leonard 1:07 / 130: Fister (S) p. Ro Grieb 2:31 / 135: Chernesky (M) p. Matut 1:31 / 140: Alsieux (M) tf. Springman 18-2 / 145: D'Archangelo (S) d. Ahern 5-2 / 152: Ri Grieb (M) tf. Callery 18-2 / 160: Polizois (S) p. Stolzenthaler 3:36 / 171: Mopsick (M) p. Walters 1:02

1/14: Brick Twp. 42 - Shore 28
215: Lindenbaum (B) by forfeit / 275: Cusanelli (B) p. Conte 0:34 / 103: Kuzner (B) by forfeit / 112: Miller (B) by forfeit / 119: Riccardi (S) d. Triano 13-9 / 125: Goldberg (S) d. Rackliffe 10-8 (OT) /130: Fister (S) p. Iacoves 0:41 / 135: K Johnson (B) p. Matut 5:32 / 140: Senkarick (B) p. Springman 1:35 / 145: D'Archangleo (S) d. R Johnson 9-4 / 152: Fritzch (B) p. Gallo 1:44 / 160: polizois (S) md. Firreno 14-2 / 171: Walters (S) p. Rusignuolo 3:51 / 189: Fraudenberg (S) d. Seufert 2-1

1/11: Pt. Beach 32 - Shore 31
103: Hayet (S) by forfeit / 112: Barlow (P) p. Clayotn 1:01 / 119: Kozub (P) d. Riccardi 8-6 / 125: Nagy (P) d. Goldberg 9-5 / 130: Rega (P) tf. DeRosa 26-9 / 135: Fister (S) d. Walengewicz 16-12 / 140: Palisi (P) d. Matut 7-2 / 145: D'Archangelo (S) md. Morris 16-4 / 152: Callery (S) d. Farrell 9-4 / 160: Polizois (S) d. Husarenko 8-6 / 171: Sotiris (P) p. Walters 1:00 / 189: Walden (S) p. Zapulla 1:42 / 215: Fraudenberg (S) by forfeit / 275: Staufenberg (P) p. Conte 1:15

1/7: Freehold Boro 47 - Shore 15
140: Arroyo (F) md. Stringman 15-6 / 145: O'Shea (F) p. Lynch 1:53 / 152: Rock (F) md. D'Archangelo 15-4 / 160: Callery (S) by forfeit / 171: Kys (F) d. Polizois 7-6 / 189: Lamb (F) d. Whalen 5-1 / 215: Panzorino (F) d. Fraudenberg 7-3 / 275: Postell (F) p. Conte 0:56 / 103: Nulty (F) by forfeit / 112: Frank (F) p. Clayton 1:06 / 119: Riccardi (S) d. Santos 7-2 / 125: Triozzi (F) d. Goldberg 8-5 / 130: Post (F) d. DeRosa 8-5 / 135: Fister (S) by forfeit

12/28: Holmdel Christmas Tournament
Team Scores: 1. Freehold 131.5 / 2. Keyport 98.5 / 3. Keansburg 96.5 / 4. Shore 87 / 5. St John Vianney 76.5 / 6. Manasquan 68 / 7. Hopewell Valley 46.5 / 8. Robbinsvilee 30.5 / 9. Holmdel 28.5 / 10. Monsignor Donovan 28 / 11. St. Rose 25.5 / 12. Rumson 11.5
Medal Winners
1st Place - Riccardi (119)
2nd Place - Callery (152) / Fraudenberg (189)
3rd Place - Goldberg (125) / D'Archangelo (145) / Walden (171)

12/21: Keansburg 37 - Shore 32
140: Brennan (K) p. Springman 1:15 / 145: Neckles (K) d. Darchayala 8-6 / 152: Callery (S) d. Nelan 16-3 / 160: Polizois (S) p. Preadwell 3:03 / 171: Walden (S) md. A. Blozen 13-2 / 189: Yeneic (K) d. Fraudenberg 7-3 / 215: Chiarella p. Goggins 3:21 / 275: Roser (K) p. Conte 1:20 / 103: Chizmadia (K) by forfeit / 112: Gogan p. Hayet 0:36 / 119: Riccardi (S) p. Young 0:26 / 125: Goldberg (S) p. Diaz 2:34 / 130: Pecyna (K) d. Fister 5-2 / 135: B. Blozen md. Matut 16-5

Middletown South 42 - Shore 33
103: Dominiach (M) forfeit / 112: Seals (M) forfeit / 119: Croce (M) p. Riccardi 5:40 / 125: Goldberg (S) p. Giordano :55 / 130: Paulstion (S) forfeit / 135: Fister (S) p. Kerr :44 / 140: McManigal (M) p. Matut 1:29 / 145: D'Archangelo (S) d. McGovern 9-8 / 152: Grabowski (M) d. Callery 5-3 / 160: Hockin (M) Polizois 7-3 / 171: Worsley (M) p. Walden 2:31 / 189: Fraudenberg (S) p. Tomaino 3:21 / 215: Poulson p. Chiarella 3:43 / 275: Conte (S) p. Adam :37

Matawan IceBreaker Team Scores: 1. Old Bridge 177.5 / 2. Colts Neck 156 / 3. Shore 155 / 4. Matawan 150.5 / 5. Freehold Twp. 129.5 / 6. Keansburg 112.5 / 7. Manasquan 96.5 / 8. Keyport 74 / 9. Lacey 69 / 10. Lakewood 68.5 / 11. Holmdel 53.5 / 12. RBC 38 / 13. Rumson 26.5

Matawan IceBreaker Medal Winners
1st Place - Fister (130), Walden (171)
2nd Place - Riccardi (119), Cullery (152), Chiarella (215)
3rd Place - Fraudenberg (189)


Coach: Zach Miers

Section: CJ Group 1

Division: B-Central

District: 23