Final Record: 13-5
#9 in Shore Conference
#5 in Monmouth County
2nd Place District 23 ( 3 Champs / 8 Medal Winners )
CJ Group 3 State Sectional Finalists
Shore Conference Class B-North Champions
Region 6 Medalists
(Jr) Ryan Wilson - 2nd Place (112)
(Jr) Drew Doyle - 2nd Place (Hwt)
District 23 Medalists
1st Place
Ryan Wilson (112)
Blaine Woszczak (130)
Drew Doyle (275)
2nd Place
Frank Labrusciano (103)
Anthony Cappiello (119)
Mike Tancredi (125)
Bobby Sprengel (135)
3rd Place
Steve Bower (160)
3/4: Wilson & Doyle Advance To Atlantic City!
Juniors Ryan Wilson (112) and Drew Doyle (275) were both defeated in the finals of the Region 6 tournament this past weekend, but their 2nd Place finishes qualify them for Friday night's opening round of the NJSIAA Tournament at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City!
2/25: Wall finishes 2nd at the 2006 District 23 Tournament!
Wall District Medal Winners
1st Place
Ryan Wilson (112)
Blaine Woszczak (130)
Drew Doyle (275)
2nd Place
Mike Labrusciano (103)
Anthony Cappiello (119)
Mike Tancredi (125)
Bobby Sprengel (135)
3rd Place
Steve Bower (160)
2/16: CJG3 Finals: Ocean Twp. 47 - Wall 20
119: Cappiello (W) tf. Palandrano 17-0 / 125: Menditto (O) md. Tancredi 11-1 / 130: Lopes (O) d. Wosczcak 9-4 / 135: Van Dyk (O) d. Sprengel 8-1 / 140: Falco (O) p. Martino 3:28 / 145: Nunes-Vais (O) p. Coyne 0:58 / 152: Lezin (O) md. Brewer 15-6 / 160: Bannon (O) d. Bower 12-5 / 171: Savastano (W) p. Bradford 2:52 / 189: D'Esposito (O) p. Orencer 1:49 / 215: Kiss (O) won by forfeit / 275: Doyle (W) p. Konopka 0:37 / 103: Labrusciano (W) d. Beradesco 7-5 / 112: Coulas (O) won by forfeit
2/14: CJG3 SemiFinal: Wall 37 - Long Branch 24
171: Coccurello (L) d. Bower 4-3 (OT) / 189: Feliciano (L) d. Savastano 9-8 / 215: Jasio (L) p. Richards 4:45 / 275: Doyle (W) d. Williams 2-1 (OT) / 103: Labrusciano (W) p. Oliveria 3:54 / 112: Wilson (W) md. Clarke 13-2 / 119: Cappiello (W) p. Menkin 2:38 / 125: Tancredi (W) d. Stathum 10-5 / 130: Woszczak (W) p. Robertson 1:45 / 135: Dotts (L) d. Martino 5-2 / 140: Sprengel (W) p. Kirsch 4:49 / 145: Sims (L) p. Coyne 2:30 / 152: Brewer (W) d/ Tango 6-4 / 160: Brown (L) d. Buckley 7-2
2/11: Wall 40 - Middletown North 19
160: Bower (W) p. Hewitt 1:34 / 171: Savastano (W) d. Cappetta 3-1 / 189: Shope (M) by forfeit / 215: Zillante (W) d. Ruane 4-0 / 275: Doyle (W) p. Marron 1:18 / 103: labrusciano (W) d. R DiMaiolo 4-0 / 112: Wilson (W) tf. Baker 15-0 / 119: Cappiello (W) md. Bruno 14-5 / 125: J DiMaiolo (M) d. Tancredi 1-0 / 130: Woszczak (W) d. Donovan 6-3 / 135: Sprengel (W) md. Erbig 16-3 / 140: Paone (M) p. Martino 2:50 / 145: Dunzello (M) md. Coyne 13-1 / 152: Brewer (W) d. Persico 5-0
2/11: Wall 71 - Lacey 0
2/8: CBA 39 - Wall 29
125: Beshada (C) d. Tancredi 8-3 / 130: Menafra (C) d. Cappiello 6-4 (OT) / 135: Sprengel (W) tf. Picione 24-9 / 140: Wosczak (W) tf. Meade 23-7 / 145: D Chirichello (C) p. Coyne 3:54 / 152: Finley (C) d. Brewer 7-6 / 160: Deleo (C) p. Bower 0:55 / 171: A Chirichello (C) by forfeit / 189: Ferraro (C) p. Savastano 3:25 / 215: Dube (C) p. Zillante 3:01 / 275: Doyle (W) p. Englesbe 1:04 / 103: Labrusciano (W) md. Cioffi 15-6 / 112: Seidel (W) p. McGrail 5:04 / 119: Wilson (W) d. Favia 6-3
1/28: Wall 40 - Old Bridge 30
103: labrusciano (W) p. Schaeffer 2:54 / 112: Wilson (W) by inj. default / 119: Fallon (O) tf. Seidel 17-2 / 125: Cappiello (W) md. Suozzo 13-4 / 130: Tancredi (W) d. Giusti 6-5 / 135: Woszczak (W) p. Haughney 2:48 / 140: Sprengel (W) p. Conway 3:40 / 145: Suozzo (O) p. Coyne 1:42 / 152: Brewer (W) d. Kitchen 4-2 / 160: Ebewo (O) p. Buckley 4:39 / 171: Orzechowski (O) p. Orender 2:25 / 189: Dastani (O) d. Savastano 11-6 / 215: Gerdon (O) md. Richards 12-3 / 275: Doyle (W) p. Deceuster 4:12
1/28: Wall 58 - St. John Vianney 15
119: Seidel (W) p. Barden 0:43 / 125: Cappiello (W) md. Smith 10-0 / 130: Tancredi (W) p. Aquafreda 2:39 / 135: Woszczak (W) p. Engelken 1:42 / 140: Sprengel (W) p. M Kevlin 2:28 / 145: Falco (S) d. Coyne 13-7 / 152: Brewer (W) by forfeit/ 160: Buckley (W) by forfeit / 171: Savastano (W) p. Sewell 1:07 / 189: Swenson (S) by forfeit / 215: Nissen (S) by inj default / 275: Doyle (W) d. Lazarchick 8-5 / 103: Labrusciano (W) tf. Stampone 15-0 / 112: Wilson (W) md. Gennusa 20-6
1/28: Jackson 51 - Wall 11
112: Wilson (W) d. Kinchen 1-0 / 119: Cappiello (W) d. Cohen 4-2 (OT) / 125: Biscaha (J) tf. Tancredi 17-2 / 130: Bradley (J) d. Woszczak 7-2 / 135: Byrnes (J) d. Sprengel 4-0 / 140: Booth (J) p. Martino 3:52 / 145: Zicha (J) md. Coyne 13-0 / 152: Winston (J) p. Brewer 0:54 / 160: Carney (J) by forfeit / 171: Hopkins (J) d. Savastano 11-8 / 189: Anderson (J) by forfeit / 215: Wood (J) p. Richards 3:32 / 275: Doyle (W) p. Ginsberg 3:47 / 103: Russel (J) d. Labrusciano 6-1
1/25: Brick Memorial 41 - Wall 22
135: Woszczak (W) d. Sanrtos 7-5 / 140: Guzzi (B) d. Sprengel 4-3 / 145: Oliverio (B) tf. Dougherty 18-3 / 152: K Heilbroun (B) p. Gray 1:30 / 160: Barrett (B) md. Brewer 15-2 / 171: Havens (B) d. Savastano 5-3 / 189: McCrossan p. Bower 1:02 / 215: Docherty (B) p. Richards 2:52 / 275: Doyle (W) p. Lindsey 4:53 / 103: Labruciano (W) d. C Heilbroun 7-4 / 112: Seidel (W) p. Shevlino 0:39 / 119: Wilson md. Davis 10-2 / 125: Miller (B) md. Capiello 14-3 / 130: Reid (B) md. Tancredi 13-5
1/21: Wall 42 - Monmouth 15
171: Bower (W) md. Dasher 20-7 / 189: Savastano (W) p. Ware 1:47 / 215: Richards (W) d. Campbell 5-0 / 275: Doyle (W) p. Schweighardt 5:13 / 103: Labrusciano (W) md. Teel 12-1 / 112: Wilson (W) tf. Buck 17-2 / 119: Seidel (W) d. Ballentine 9-7 / 125: Christensen (M) d. Tancredi 5-0 / 130: Woszczak (W) md. Sellers 16-4 / 135: Eggie (M) d. Sprengel 7-6 / 140: Flynn (M) d. Martino 14-7 / 145: Bongarzone (M) p. Dougherty 3:21 / 152: Grey (W) md. O�¯�¿�½Donnell 18-7 / 160: Jansen (W) d. Daly 3-2
1/21: Southern 40 - Wall 27
145: Dillard (S) p. Dougherty 1:22 / 152: Henry (S) p. Gray 1:14 / 160: E Broderick (S) p. Brewer 3:28 / 171: Cipolla (S) p. Bower 0:50 / 189: Thomas (S) d. Savastano 9-3 / 215: Carson (S) md. Richards 13-2 / 275: Doyle (W) p. Pringle 3:49 / 103: Labruciano (W) by forfeit / 112: Wilson (W) d. B Broderick 3-0 / 119: Cappiello (W) d. Maugeri 9-2 / 125: Miele (S) d. Tancredi 3-2 / 130: Woszczak (W) by forfeit / 135: Sprengel (W) d. Rossi 7-3 / 140: Molinaro (S) by forfeit
1/18: Central 37 - Wall 25
135: Sprengel (W) d. Mackie 3-1 / 140: Forsyth (C) p. Martino 3:05 / 145: J Weaver (C) p. Dougherty 3:33 / 152: N Weaver (C) p. Buckley 1:04 / 160: Lyons (C) md. Brewer 18-5 / 171: Tenpenny (C) p. Bower 3:05 / 189: Denver (C) d. Savastano 4-2 / 215: Richards (W) d. Foster 5-1 / 275: DeDeyn (C) d. Doyle 3-1 (OT) / 103: Labrusciano (W) p. Loizos 0:59 / 112: Wilson (W) p. Faigles 1:19 / 119: Cappiello (W) d. Powers 4-3 / 125: Tancredi (W) md. Lavaggi 10-2 / 130: Lynn (C) d. Woszczak 9-7
1/14: Wall 34 - Freehold 30
171: Lamb (F) p. Bower 5:18 / 189: Brown (F) d. Savastano 7-6 / 215: Panzarino (F) d. Richards 4-0 / 275: Doyle (W) p. Postell 3:02 / 103: Labrusciano (W) p. Bhuttacharia 0:30 / 112: Wilson (W) md. Franke 16-5 / 119: Cappiello (W) p. Santos 0:50 / 125: Triozzi (F) d. Tancredi 3-0 / 130: Woszczak (W) p. Reiss 3:59 / 135: Sprengel (W) p. Post 2:45 / 140: Arroyo (F) md. Coyne 17-6 / 145: O'Shea (F) d. Dougherty 13-6 / 152: Rock (F) md. Buckley 12-3 / 160: Ostner (F) md. Gray 13-0
1/14: Wall 64 - Neptune 15
160: Gray (W) by forfeit / 171: Bower (W) md. Perry 15-6 / 189: Savastano (W) by forfeit / 215: Balina (N) p. Richards 5:37 / 275: Doyle (W) p. Whyte 3:38 / 103: Labrusciano (W) by forfeit / 112: Wilson (W) by forfeit / 119: Cappiello (W) p. Hercules 1:30 / 125: Tancredi (W) by forfeit / 130: Woszczak (W) p. Reeves 3:48 / 135: Sprengel (W) p. Sylvester 1:46 / 140: Upton (N) d. Coyne 10-6 / 145: Gutzmore (N) p. Dougherty 1:09 / 152: Buckley (W) by forfeit
1/14: Wall 71 - Red Bank 3
152: Brewer (W) d. Saible 10-3 / 160: Gray (W) tf. Lyons 21-6 / 171: Bower (W) by forfeit / 189: Savastano (W) p. Goldman 1:26 / 215: Richards (W) by forfeit / 275: Doyle (W) p. Kulat 3:42 / 103: Labrusciano (W) by forfeit / 112: Wilson (W) p. Lenz 1:38 / 119: Cappiello (W) by forfeit / 125: Tancredi (W) p. Eng 3:08 / 130: Woszczak (W) by forfeit / 135: Sprengel (W) by forfeit / 140: Shea (R) d. Coyne 7-4 / 145: Dougherty (W) d. Quinn 9-8
1/11: Wall 56 - Colts Neck 12
125: Tancredi (W) p. Lane 1:39 / 130: Woszczak (W) d. Gaines 10-5 / 135: Sprengel (W) p. Vivino 3:51 / 140: Katz (C) p. Coyne 5:55 / 145: Dougherty (W) d. Slipek 5-2 / 152: Manney (C) d. Brewer 10-4 / 160: Parisi (C) d. Gray 3-1 / 171: Bower (W) d. Burdge 11-9 / 189: Savastano (W) p. Meyer 4:25 / 215: Richards (W) p. Somma 1:17 / 275: Doyle (W) p. Rener 1:31 / 103: Labruciano (W) by forfeit / 112: Wilson (W) tf. Brown 19-4 / 119: Seidel (W) p. Stoia 2:52
1/7: Wall 61 - Rumson 0
119: Double forfeit / 125: Seidel p. Cyderon 0:29 / 130: Lemke d. Eyerkuss 10-8 / 135: Woszczak p. Roberts 1:42 / 140: Sprengle by forfeit / 145: Coyne d. Venti 10-6 / 152: Brewer md. Feiring 17-3 / 160: Gray d. Rumph 9-8 / 171: Bower by forfeit / 189: Savastano p. Decaino 1:08 / 215: Double forfeit / 275: Doyle p. Johnson 1:51 / 103: Greenberg p. Reynolds 0:26 / 112: Wilson p. Post 1:41
1/7: Wall 31 - Long Branch 30
125: Seidel (W) d. Menkin 4-2 (OT) / 130: Robertson (L) p. Lemke 3:28 / 135: Woszczak (W) p. Balina 2:16 / 140: Sprengel (W) d. Kirsch 12-5 / 145: Sims (L) p. Coyne 1:26 / 152: Chaparro (L) d. Buckley 8-2 / 160: Brown (L) d. Brewer 8-2 / 171: Coccurello (L) d. Bower 7-2 / 189: Savastano (L) p. Vaccaro 4:45 / 215: Jasio (L) p. Richards 5:26 / 275: Doyle (W) d. Williams 6-3 (3OT) / 103: Greenberg (W) by forfeit / 112: Clarke (L) d. Labrusciano 3-2 / 119: Wilson (W) md. Viedma 12-3
Head Coach
Jason Nase
CJ Group 3